Meet up: Data Science Salon Vol. I – GDPR and its impact on Data Science.

Meet up: Data Science Salon Vol. I – GDPR and its impact on Data Science.

Discussion with Teresa Bogensberger around a use case from a legal and technical perspective.

Wann: Montag, 23. April 2018, 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Wo: A1 Obere Donaustraße Building; 1020 Wien, Obere Donaustaße 29
Bild des Veranstaltungsortes


Dear community,

We want to introduce a new event format to you: the Data Science Salon.

Data Science and its applications have the potential to tremendously impact our society in ways we have rarely seen in the past. Besides a lot of other things, it will lead to an automation of many aspects of our lives, aiming to improve them. Nonetheless, because of the enormity of these changes, these should be accompanied by an open and down to earth conversation about the impact on our society and the ethical aspects behind the algorithms used.

Data Science Salon is the place to have this conversation. We start with a hot topic: GDPR and its impact on our daily lives.

Next month, on May 25th the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be effective and every company operating in the EU market must be compliant with it.

Will GDPR change the way how organizations practice data science? And, if so, will these changes have a positive or negative impact on our profession in the long term?


10 Min: Why we care about GDPR

40 Min: Discussion around a use case from a legal and technical perspective – Moderated by: Sophie Martinetz. Powered by Teresa Bogensberger and Bernhard Ortner

15 Min: Introduction to Ethics on Data Science Algorithms. – Powered by: Christopher Kittel

About our speakers:

Attorney Dr. Teresa Bogensberger: Expert in employment law and IP law. The former partner at Eversheds Sutherland Austria and Knoetzl has many years of experience in advising Austrian and international clients in the area of employment law as well as in all matters of IP law.

Sophie Martinetz: Experienced legal entrepreneur and international corporate professional. In 2012 she founded her own company Seinfeld Professionals an innovative new law firm and Future-Law – the leading innovation and digitization platform for the legal industry in Austria.

Bernhard Ortner: Big Data enthusiast with a strong background in engineering in different areas such as finance, energy and governance. He was responsible for maintaining operational data lakes and developing proof-of-concepts for big data technologies.

Christopher Kittel: Data Scientist at Open Knowledge Maps. Christopher specializes in applying machine learning and deep learning to problems of social goods. His further research interests concern the ethics and economics of AI.

DISCLAIMER: The content shared in this event would offer a variety of perspectives on this topic, but it does in no way represent a substitution of proper guidance for the compliance of a company with this law.


Dr. Teresa Bogensberger